April is a very important month and I will tell you why. The 1st is April Fool Day. You remember it as a kid. It is still a good day to pull a stunt on someone. Go ahead and do it!! Good for a few laughs…
Saturday, 6 April is Army Day. Why? I don’t know why but it is. Go Army, Beat Navy!
Tuesday, 9 April is National Former POW Recognition Day. Remember these guys and gals. They had a rough time and they deserve a little recognition. Remember that the Persian Gulf War Official Cease Fire was on 11 April 1991. Thank a vet that served in this War. 11 April is also my 43rd Wedding Anniversary. Thanks to Sandy for putting up with me for that many years. She is a warrior!
You better get going on your Federal Income Taxes. Monday, 15 April is coming up quickly. Don’t get caught with your paperwork in a mess. If it is, call a good man, Randy Van Camp, CPA. He will help you out. And he is a good Veteran of the Somalia Campaign.
Arbor Day is Friday, 26 April. Go plant something. Create some shade. You will not regret it a few years down the road.
Have a great April 2024. This truly is one of the best months of the year.