Well, we are off to a good start. There are a couple of events that we all need to remember. The first is 15 February 1898. What in the heck happened on that day that many years ago you say? Well, the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor is what happened. She was the ACR-1 (Armored Cruiser #1). She was also called a Second-Class Battleship. Anyway, she blew up and sank. This event, though they are not exactly sure of what happened, got us into the Spanish-American War.
This war did not last for a long time but when it was over, we got control over Cuba, Puerto Rico, and The Philippine Islands. Remember 15 February.
Also, on 28 February 1991 Operation Desert Storm ended with the Liberation of Kuwait. We have some of our Veterans that are Desert Shield/Desert Storm Vets. Thanks go out to these guys and gals who stepped up and did a great job when called upon.
February can be a very cold month so be sure and watch out for periods of freezing that sometimes last for several days and nights. Watch out for your plants, pipes, and hose bibs.
This will lead us into March and usually by 15 March the freeze warnings are past us. Spring will be on the way and warmer weather will start appearing. Great news.