Here we are in June 2022. School is out. Summer is about to begin. Summer actually starts early in the morning of 21 June, the Summer Solstice. The longest day of the year and probably another long hot day in DSTX. Go swimming! Or stay inside and enjoy the AC.

What’s important to us in June? Well one of the most important things to remember is Monday, 6 June, D-DAY. On this day, 78 years ago, thousands of young soldiers, sailors, and airmen were on their way from England to the beaches of Normandy, France. The big invasion of mainland Europe had begun. Just the First U S Army counted about 1500 KIA, 2000 missing, and 6600 wounded. When it was all over, we had gained a foothold in France. This would be the beginning of the end for the Axis powers in Europe. There was still almost one more year of fierce fighting ahead. But this is a day to remember. Teach your children and grandchildren about this day.

14 June is FLAG DAY. It is also the 247th Birthday of the Senior Service, the United States Army. The Army has about 500,000 active duty members. Happy Birthday Army. Thanks go out to all our Army Veterans for their service to our country in times of war and peace.

On Sunday, 19 June we should all honor and remember our Fathers on Fathers Day 2022. Take your dad out for a meal. Give him a call. Go visit him. Tell him that you love him. Most of our dads are pretty good guys. Count yourself lucky if your dad is still around for you.

Lots of good things for our members to do in June. Central Texas is a great place to go for short trips or vacations. The coast is a great place in the summer. Go spend a week or a weekend in Port A. San Antonio is also a wonderful place to visit for a few days. Go down to the River Walk. Go to The Pearl. Go to the SA Zoo. Go visit the Alamo and teach your kids about Texas History. June is a Great Month for family time. Sorry about the price of gas though!!! You may have to put a windmill or a solar panel on top of your car or truck.

There are several important dates in the Merry Month of May that are important to us all. The first one is Loyalty Day, 1 May 2022. What is Loyalty Day you say? I have never heard of this day. Well, way back in 1921, during the first “Red Scare,” the day was proposed as Americanization Day. It was a day with the intention to replace May Day and International Worker’s Day, a counter to Communism. Between 1930-1950 several large rallies were held and attended by millions of people who demanded that May 1st be a day to celebrate Patriotism. The day was brought back in 1955 and officially recognized in 1958 as Loyalty Day to be celebrated on 1 May. Fly your flags. Hold a parade in your neighborhood. Just be happy that we do not live under communism.

The second important day is 8 May, V-E DAY. Victory in Europe, 8 May 1945. Half the war was won. Now let’s go to the Pacific and finish the war so that our troops can finally come home after a long four years. It is celebrated mainly in Britain and the United States. This is the date that we celebrate the formal acceptance of unconditional surrender by Nazi Germany. This was a big deal. Now we could concentrate all our efforts on defeating Japan. Fly your flags. Teach your Children and Grandkids what the day is so they will continue to remember.

Remember something else on 8 May. Really remember this day or you will be in trouble. This is Mother’s Day. Remember your Mother and the Mother of your children. Really important. Get them some flowers and some chocolates. Take them out to eat. Treat them nice and tell them that you love them. A day that we should never forget.

Armed Forces Day is 15 May. A day that each of us veterans should remember. It is a day to honor those who currently serve in all six branches of service. If you see a current military member thank them and buy them a meal or a drink. Show them that you are behind them 100%.

Every one of us knows that Monday, 30 May is Memorial Day. This very important day is the day that we honor those warriors who died while serving in the United States Military. About 1.3 million have died in all our wars. Close to half died just during the Civil War. Remember them. Honor them. Never Forget. Go to a cemetery and place a flag on the grave of one of these warriors. Take your children and grandchildren with you.