Normally by this time of the year, Spring has sprung and the heat of Summer has started. We hope that all of our members are well and that everyone has had the opportunity to get the vaccine if they choose to. We hope that all our members and their families are getting ready to enjoy the Summer months that are coming up. After a year of staying close to home and very little travel, maybe everyone can start to get out and enjoy some of the great things that this area has to offer. As I have stated before there are some really nice places to visit that are within a few hours drive from Dripping Springs.

There are a couple of important events that we, as Veterans, need to be aware of in the month of June. The first one that comes to mind is D-Day, 6 June. Seventy-seven years ago, as the early morning fog lifted, the German soldiers in France, that were on duty, looked out on a sight that had to cause great fear and anxiety. As far as the eye could see were ships that carried about 156,000 American, English, and Canadian soldiers. This would be the largest amphibious and airborne attack in the history of the world. Operation Overlord, code named Operation Neptune, landed these men on five different beaches along a 50 mile stretch of the French coast. Two divisions of airborne and glider borne soldiers landed behind the lines to destroy bridges and to slow the reinforcements. When it was all over, we had a foothold and this was the beginning of the end of the War in Europe. Less than one year later, in May 1945, the war in Europe was over. Never forget all the brave men and women who planned, prepared, and participated in this operation. Never forget those who gave their lives in this noble cause. Never forget those brave Army Rangers, led by Texas Aggie LTC James Earl Rudder, who climbed the cliffs at Pointe De Hoc during this battle. Later MG Rudder went on to become President of Texas A&M University.

The next important day is dear to my heart. This day to remember is 14 June. This is Flag Day and most importantly it is the Birthday of the United States Army. Over Hill Over Dale, We Will Hit the Dusty Trail…. On 14 June the Continental Congress authorized 10 Companies of Infantry to be formed. The other several branches that were formed a few days later were the Adjutants General Corps, the Corps of Engineers, the Finance Corps, the Quartermaster Corps, and finally the Field Artillery Corps. Three Special branches were formed a month later. These were the Medical Department, the Chaplains, and the Civil Affairs unit. Other branches were added between 1776 and 1987. From this humble start, our Army, the Senior Service, was created. Give thanks to all those brave warriors who have served and are still serving this great nation.

Now get out and enjoy the start of Summer 2021!

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