May is a very busy month for us. So, I will just get busy telling you all about it.
We start off on Monday, 1 May with Loyalty Day. What? You don’t know about this day. It is a day set aside for “the reaffirmations of our loyally to the United States of America.” It is a day to counter the May Day celebrated in Communists countries.
Thursday, 4 May is the National Day of Prayer. If we ever needed a day of prayer, right now is a good time to start praying. Pray hard.
V-E Day was declared on 8 May 1945, ending the long and brutal war in Europe. We also Honor our Military Spouses on Friday, 12 May. Give them a big hug and kiss. We would be hard pressed to serve without their loyal support.
Do not forget that Mother’s Day is on Sunday, 14 May. If you are lucky and still have your mom, please send a beautiful card and some flowers. Take her out and treat her to a wonderful meal.
On Monday, 15 May we honor all of our Peace Officers on their Memorial Day. These guys stand side by side with us to help keep our country safe and free. They are wonderful servants, and they deserve our support at all times. Thank them if you come in contact with one of them.
Armed Forces Day is Saturday, 20 May. This is a very important day to honor all the members of all six services that are currently serving our country here and abroad.
And last but not least is one of the most important days of the year. Memorial Day is Monday, 29 May. You know that this day honors all those brave warriors who have given their lives in the service of their country. We cannot do enough to honor these brave men and women.
Lots of very important dates to remember this month. And that is what we do as an organization. We remember. We cannot let our children and grandchildren forget! And then Summer starts!!!